Breakfast at Don Cherry’s had the greatest little pancakes that I’ve ever had and the worst orange juice I’ve ever had. We finished eating, packed up and went to cross the border. The cadets filed out of the bus at the border with serious faces and handful of electronics for the Y38 form; well, mine was more like an armful because of my laptop and various other items. Everyone passed the border inspection without any trouble and the wheels were rolling down the freeway.

Today was pretty much dedicated for traveling to Dayton and everyone was prepared for the long 7 hour bus drive. I took a quick snooze as we left the border while listening to music. Although it was somewhat uncomfortable, that hour snooze really helped me get through the day. I woke up, saw the final battle scene of How to Tame a Dragon and watched a standup comedy show with Hussein on my laptop. Oh man, Joe Rogan is a hilarious guy. Hussein and I were laughing out loud while getting awkward looks from others around us. After the show, Tristan sat next to me and we watched My Neighbor Totoro. Ling Ling, who was sitting behind us joined in and the three of us watched the movie trying to hear the movie over all the background noises.

For our very first meal in America, the bus rolled into a McDonald’s; the most iconic fast food restaurant. 
There was something different about America’s McDonald’s. First off, they put whipping cream on the milkshakes. (which I thought was amazing) Secondly, the Angus third pounders wiped off from the menu. And finally, they had no knowledge about the Double Big Mac; it simply didn’t exist in the US. I ordered a grilled onion cheddar burger that didn’t exist in Canada, realized that it was too small and got another one. I happily ate my two burgers, whipping cream-topped milkshake and fries while charging my laptop for the rest of Totoro.

For the remainder of the bus ride, I watched majority of Down Periscope and I took another nap until we got to Dayton. When we arrived in Dayton, the National Air Force Museum was in sight and quite literally across the road was the Comfort Suites. I checked into my room, threw my bag and relaxed for a good half hour with my new roomie Mark.
I personally liked this room better than the other two rooms; it was more spacious and there were two couches in the room. Ah, one downside was the fact that the iron in the room completely hated me.

We got back down to the bus at  5:45 to go to Golden Corral, a buffet style restaurant. 
That buffet had everything from tacos to steak and best of all, a chocolate fondue. I stuffed myself with two full plates of steak, short ribs, wings, potato salad and topped it off with some great bread pudding and a chocolate covered strawberry. After filling ourselves with food and sugar, we made a stop at Walmart. Some people bought beige shorts, some bought candy, and a good dozen bought $7 Nerf pistols.

We arrived back at the hotel at around 8:30 and were briefed about tomorrow's visit to the National Air Force
Museum. I'm even more excited for this Museum since we unfortunately missed the one in Hamilton.
7/21/2013 04:58:56 pm

While you were enjoying your time and food there, I spent almost an hour to clean your bathroom. But I am very glad to see that you are having a lot of fun.


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