*Yay, I have internet. But it’s horribly slow. I can finally upload posts and contact my parents!!!!

The day started at 6:00am with a wake-up call. But let’s be honest, who wakes up right away? Tristan and I
snoozed for another 15 minutes and started getting ready for breakfast. I had to re-iron my golf shirt and Tristan couldn’t find his socks. In the end both of us made it to breakfast on time.

We ate our standard continental hotel breakfasts, loaded our luggage and went on the bus headed for Hamilton. I sat next to another Andrew; Andrew Irvine. We got to know each other pretty well during that short bus trip and I revealed my identity as a tourist by getting the Maid of the Mist confused with the “Lady of the Mist”
We arrived at the Canadian warplane museum in Hamilton. Unfortunately, the storm covering southern Ontario
effected the museum operation therefore closing for the day. I was really looking forward to seeing the Lancaster but we adapted to the change went to see HMCS Haida; the only remaining Tribal class destroyer. I found it quite ironic that the first attraction was a naval ship but nonetheless we spent a great time on the ship and saw a lot of things that brought unleashed our inner sea cadets.

We stayed for an hour and a half, took a group photo in front of the ship and we boarded the bus once again for our next destination: Niagara Falls.

Now, my vision of Niagara Falls was influenced by tour packages and close up pictures. I was expecting a huge round 100m waterfall falling from above our heads and all that jazz. When I actually saw the first waterfall (the American side) I literally said “oh wait, that’s it?” It was quite disappointed as my delusion of grandeur shattered before my eyes. It was still impressive but incomparable to effective advertising techniques.

My expectations were immediately satisfied by the other waterfall; the Canadian Niagara falls. The cadets rolled off the bus and we marched towards the Maid of the Mist. Before boarding the boat, everyone was given ponchos to keep themselves relatively dry. I foolishly put the poncho on in the sun while waiting in line and made myself a personal greenhouse. After realizing my mistake, I quickly took off the vinyl and relieved myself in the wind.

The Maid of the Mist is a two story boat that goes really close to the falls and lets the passengers experience the mist, correction, the downpour. In hot temperatures, a good soak like this really got the heat off in an instant. I greatly enjoyed the soak and I got a chance to get some good shots of the Niagara Falls up close and personal; a little too close. Water got into the camera and stopped it from turning on. I was terrified but thanks to God, the water dried off and the camera continued to work as if nothing happened. I won’t be taking any pictures around water anytime soon.

We ate dinner at the Planet Hollywood restaurant, in the Sci-fi room. One thing to remark was, oddly enough, the bathrooms. The wall tiles were slanted on all four walls making you feel like you’re standing on an angle. Our meals came out and it turned out that I was the only person on the table that didn’t order pasta. I proudly ate my cheeseburger feeling extremely unique and different from everyone else.

After dinner, we hopped on the bus for our final stop. We drove about 15 minutes and arrived at the Ramada Plaza. We were assigned our new roommates, this time my new roomie was Hussein, and we checked into our rooms.  Everyone was briefly briefed at 8:00pm. We made a short stop at the mall across the street and returned to our rooms to relax.

Tomorrow starts at 6:30 and we’ll be traveling to Dayton, Ohio; just traveling. A long long bus ride awaits us  tomorrow.

7/21/2013 09:34:51 am

We briefly considered buying a water-proof camera.... hmmm.. might have been a good idea, but it looked too much like a toy.


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