*So, I guess the Sheraton Hotel doesn’t have free wifi. It costs a whopping 10$ for an hour of internet. Uhhhh, no thanks. I’ll just upload it a day later.

The day started off with a very early morning. Woke up at ten to three in the morning, got dressed into my uniform and left the house at 3:30; when it was still pitch dark outside. The highway up to Comox was frightening without a single streetlight between Qualicum and Comox.

I got to the airport terminal at 5am and went through customs. Like usual, I took off my boots, belt, wedge and asked a security guard if I could keep my pins on since they’re a pain to get back on. I swear, he said it should be fine but nope, I got chosen for the pat-down from another security guard. After my body was caressed for any hidden objects, I uncomfortably put my clothes back on and headed into the waiting area where I was greeted by three other cadets.

6:00am, the four cadets got on the Boeing 737-700 headed for Calgary while the sun was peeking over the horizon.
I took a couple aerial shots of the Rockies and before I knew it, an hour flew by and I was in Calgary.
Tristan, my flight buddy and I were laid over at Calgary for an hour (which was good compared to last year’s 6 hour wait) and we boarded another B737-700 going to Toronto at 9:30. Three and a half hours were spent eating Timmies for
breakfast (or was it lunch?), listening to music and half sleeping. We were fortunate to have such good landing  conditions. A couple hours later, some flights have been forced to land in London because of bad weather. We only experienced a couple bumps on our landing.

The instant I got off the plane, I was greeted by an unfamiliar wave of heat and humidity. We met up with our Escorting Officer, picked up our luggage and went to the Sheraton Gateway Hotel which was literally 10m from the entrance. We went to through intake, handed in paperwork and got our golf shirts, money and our room keys. Coincidentally, Tristan and I were roommates.

It was hard to believe that cadets actually got a chance to sleep on something other than squeaky metal bunk beds during camp. The two of us quickly changed in to civvies and we headed downstairs to hang out with other cadets.

After changing out of the uniform, we had to change back into our uniforms for the pizza dinner and briefing at 6:30pm. The briefing took about a good hour followed by an introduction game where one had to introduce themselves and name everyone else who went before them. Now, I was one of the blessed people who started off early, but I pitied those at the end. That simple game lasted until 10:00 and we were sent off to bed shortly after.

Tomorrow starts at 7:00am and I’ll visit the Aviation museum in Hamilton, Niagara Falls just before we leave the country.  Hopefully, I’ll have access to free internet and I’ll be able to post this by tomorrow night.

7/21/2013 09:27:57 am

Holy! Did you really stay in the room??? My goodness, you kids are sooo spoiled this time!


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